The Beauty of Ruby
Believe in life, colour and love
Believe in a happy state of mind at any age
Ruby Bute
The ruby is a highly prized gem due to its superior wearing qualities so much so that the finest ones are worth more than diamonds. More significantly, a ruby is highly prized because of its richness in colour. Its luxuriant colour is seen through the eyes of every beholder and every eye should behold Ruby Bute, an artist, a poet and a symbol of love.
Ruby was born in Aruba to Saint Martin parents who spoke so much of their homeland that from a child she saw St. Maarten as being home. (Click HERE to learn more about Aruba)
She was always fascinated with colour. While children were more absorbed with games, food and fun, she was more captivated with colour, whether it was the colour of a yellow balloon or the pink rose pattern on her dress Her memory transports her to some of her cherished memories including her father coming home with balloons and blowing them up and seeing colours come alive. Another graphic memory is an aquamarine blue cup that she possessed in which her mother would pour milk.
“I felt like I was drinking blue. My mother was a story teller and while I drank the cup of milk, rich with sugar with chips of bread put into it, my imagination got wilder and wilder. I would dream myself with Mickey Mouse.” Ruby’s words were so vivid that I too felt like I was drinking blue.
“I would draw the stories my mother would tell me, such as the Queen, Snow White and the apple”. At the age of six, Ruby started drawing. In school Ruby was always the best in her class competition and from thereon has become a self-taught artist.
She returned to Saint Martin in 1976 and settled on the island ever since. Ruby has deep views on life, so deep that she writes poetry and is the first Saint Martin woman to publish a volume of poetry. Golden Voices of S’maatin which was published in 1989, is about observations of life and the culture of the island.
“Lady in Blue” is a poem dedicated to the sea. She explains that in Aruba when in land one does not see the sea, as it is flat. However, with the hilly landscape of St. Maarten the sea is can be seen. Her drawings are interspersed between the poems.
Ruby started painting and writing about other subjects such as the hibiscus, market scenes, people and flowers.
She has an eye for detail. “Look at the curve of each petal on a flower. Who is the designer? God is a beautiful designer! Taste the zeal of a supreme being and bring that energy to you. That energy is what I draw into me.”
In her poem entitled “Why I Paint”, Ruby explains that:
By painting I am closer to God
being able to copy after him
the strength of a tree, the lovely colours of flowers
the rising of a wave upon a stormy sea.
Floral Bouquets to Daughters of Eve, which was published in 1996, is her second collection of poems. She addresses the pain, emotions, and struggles that women go through and has advice for the daughters of Eve.
“In Love’s Reason” Ruby expresses that:
Love has many reasons,
To make whole, to grow,
To give, without measure,
To love without end.
In her poem “Problems” she advises that:
When problems come to knock you down
Stand up tall and bare your chest
Stare your problems straight ahead, and
One by one they will drift away.
Further she instructs
Poison not your heart with hate and unhappiness
Time will take it’s own revenge.
“When you looking down the road of regrets something better is coming up the road. Don’t waste time being frustrated and don’t have malice.”
In her poem “To the Daughters of Eve” she states that women are a creation by the Almighty, the finishing touch to give birth to a perfect and wonderful world.
“Do what is good and beautiful. Become more godly. Tune into life and nature. It is medicine. Always reflect.” As she reflects she thanks God for where she is.
“The reason for the season is that I see myself advancing through years full of energy.” She has displayed her exhibition in St. Maarten and abroad as she instructs in her poem “Talent” and which she strongly believes:
Do not arrogantly put claim on your talent
First of all, your talent belongs to God,
Then to your nation
You are only a temporary recipient.
Ruby Bute is the finest jewel, created by God for us to revel in her beauty, poems, art, her life, and to become recipients of her love and to share it with the rest of the world.
Ruby was born on 13th January 1943 – She passed on 5th November 2024
Ruby received a lifetime achievement award from the Collectivity of Saint Martin in 2004. She was honoured by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in 2005.
Farewell to a mentor and a special friend