50 Days & 50 Nights Experiencing Nevis Culture


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50 Days & 50 Nights Experiencing Nevis Culture chronicles the tale of Gustave, an American, and Chadissa, a British citizen, who travel to Nevis to become acquainted with their ancestral roots. Unfamiliar with the local culture, they find themselves unprepared for the humorous adventure that unfolds after meeting Manciport and Massa Choong Choong. This book also provides information about Culturama, Nevis’ summer festival, which is in its 50th year of existence.


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        Gustave stepped out of the Vance Amory International Airport and immediately saw the sign: Manciport Car Rental, Diving Instructor, Tour Guide and Carpenter Taxi Service. He breathed a sigh of relief. He had never before travelled in a small plane and the plane ride from Antigua to Nevis had almost given him a heart attack.


      When he had booked the cheap fare he had assumed that the Caribbean aeroplane was as big as the American Eagle. Compared to an eagle, the plane was as small as a mosquito and looked just as flimsy. When it had landed in Nevis, he had thought that they were going to crash and Gustave had screamed his head off, bawled and freaked out in his seatbelt strapped chair. The passengers had watched him and laughed.


        “The Lord is my Shepherd, I don’t want to die. Help me and hold me, wash me and cleanse me and save me from this catastrophe!!!” He was so busy praying, he did not notice that the plane had landed smoothly. By the time the “you can take your seat belt off” notice had been announced, the ambulance had already been on the runway and Gustave had been carted off the plane on a stretcher by two strong-armed ambulance assistants.


        This was not how Gustave had imagined being welcomed to Nevis – flat on his back and being given oxygen. He was having a panic at-tack from travelling on such a small plane. After half an hour of being told to lie down he finally stopped panicking. He was placed in a wheel chair and wheeled to immigration where he filled out the forms with his shaky hand and then he was wheeled outside. In his haziness, he did not even take in his surroundings. He just wanted to find the taxi driver he had hired to drive him to the guest house and lie down in bed. He thanked the assistant who wheeled him outside and stood up.


        After sighing in relief that he was still alive, he read the sign again: Manciport Car Rental, Diving Instructor, Tour Guide and Carpenter Taxi Service and raised his eyebrow. When a one-foot man emerged from behind the sign, Gustave started screaming again with alarm.


     “Tourist man, wha naise you a mek so?” 

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